The “DD” Box
Founded in 2018, DoubleD CrossFit provides an unmatched fitness program that helps people of all ages to improve their quality of life.
From beginner to advanced, young to “not so young”, skinny to “not so skinny” our training methods produce incredible and visible RESULTS for everyone.
Drop in for this amazing experience.
Head Coach
Hey, I’m David.
I’m Portuguese but currently calling Luxembourg home. I got my Bachelor’s in Administration and Management back in Portugal in 2010. Even though I was always into sports as a kid, I soon realized that the business path wasn’t really for me. So, I took a chance and retrained as a Personal Trainer and Class Instructor.
That’s when I found my groove in coaching. I’ve been coaching at a local gym since 2012, and that’s also when I first tried CrossFit. Things really clicked for me in June 2017 when I got my Level 1 CrossFit Trainer certification, and that’s when the DoubleD Project started to take shape.
I’m excited to share my love for coaching and help others reach their goals!
” it’s you vs you ”
Greg Diederich – Coach
Mein Name ist Greg un ich bin Student an der Sporthochschule in Köln.
Ich war in meiner Jugend Leistungsschwimmer und habe nach dem Schwimmen mit Kraftsport im Fitness angefangen 2020 habe ich meine Liebe zum CrossFit entdeckt und betreibe seitdem mit voller Motivation diesen Sport.
Ich habe 2021 die Fitnesstrainer B-Lizenz und 2022 Personaltrainer Lizenz absolviert.
Ich habe 2021 mein Praktikum für mein Studium in der Box gemacht und bin glücklich seitdem im DoubleD CrossFit zu Coachen